Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S) Xbox Live Key - EU
The story of “Gears of War” thrusts gamers into a deep and harrowing battle for survival against the Locust Horde, a nightmarish race of creatures that surfaced from the bowels of the planet. Players live and breathe the role of Marcus Fenix. A disgraced former war hero, Marcus seeks personal redemption as he leads his fire team against an onslaught of merciless warriors from below.
- Remastered for Dolby 7.1 Surround.
- 90 mins of new campaign content from the original PC game.
- New Xbox Live achievements (1,250 Gamerscore).
- Concept art gallery and unlockable comics.
- Modernized Multiplayer featuring:
- 60 frames per second,
- Dedicated servers,
- Skill-based matchmaking.
- New game types - Team Deathmatch, King of the Hill (Gears of War 3 style), and new 2v2 Gnasher Execution.
- Total of 19 maps, including all DLC and PC-exclusive maps.
- 17 unlockable Gears of War 3 characters for Multiplayer progression.
- More Match customization including Actives, Respawn Time, Self-revive and Weapon Respawn.
- Alternate Controls and all new Tournament Controls.
- All controls tuned for Xbox One.
- Adding the Gears of War 3 features you love: Enemy Spotting, Multiplayer Tac-Com, Improved sensitivity customization.