A legendary franchise
Monster Hunter Rise, the latest addition to an esteemed action RPG series, invites you to embark on thrilling quests to vanquish unique and formidable creatures. Within the captivating Kamura Village, a young hunter must rise to defend its inhabitants against savage monstrosities. Traverse the lands and unleash your skills to track and conquer treacherous foes, including the lightning-infused embodiment of Zinogre, the master of speed known as Nargacuga, and the cunning Great Baggi, capable of stunning its prey. Venture forth and bask in the exhilaration of this epic hunt!
- Fast-paced battles against great monsters,
- Diverse character creation tools,
- A wide range of both new and returning monsters,
- Stunning and varied locations to visit,
- Solo and multiplayer game modes.
Hunter's weaponry
Monsters possess menacing claws and razor-sharp teeth, but a skilled monster hunter is far from vulnerable. Armed with a formidable arsenal of 14 weapons, you can choose to engage with swords, dual blades, or lances, or maintain a safe distance using projectile weapons like bowguns. Additionally, as you vanquish each monstrous foe, you'll acquire valuable ingredients to forge new arms and upgrade your gear. Enter the phenomenal Wirebug, an extraordinary insect that produces remarkably strong filaments. Masters of the hunt can utilize it to perform awe-inspiring maneuvers like a wiredash or a wall run, while also unlocking the ability to unleash extraordinary silkbind attacks.
Your faithful companions
Once more, the hunter is bestowed with invaluable support from a feline Palicoe. Nevertheless, in Monster Hunter Rise, this companion is not alone. Introducing the new type of ally: Palamute. Mounted on the back of this wolf-like creature, the hunter can enlist Palamute's aid in battle. With its assistance, victory is within reach.
Team up with other hunters
Monster Hunter Rise is packed with a plethora of quests. The game features Village Quests, which are exclusively for solo adventures, while Hub Quests and the thrilling Rampage Quests can be tackled alone or with fellow hunters in Multiplayer mode. The difficulty of each quest automatically adjusts based on the number of players involved, ensuring a consistently challenging experience without becoming overly daunting.