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New games at GameSeal

Every gamer knows the feeling of excitement and impatience of waiting for a game premiere. No matter if it’s AAA games or some indie titles, game releases are gamers' Christmas. But when the long-awaited title is finally here, it’s good to know how to buy it smart, so you don’t overpay.

GameSeal is a great choice to buy cheap games. Offering you the best possible shopping experience, low prices, and customer service that won’t give you headaches. What is our secret? It’s because our team is built by gamers and enthusiasts of gaming. Our experience helped us create a shopping platform tailored to gamers' needs.

How to buy cheap new games?

The first commandment of online shopping for cheap games is: digital goods are cheaper than physical ones. So when looking for the best deals it’s best to try game keys instead of physical copies. They don’t look good on the shelf but have many advantages.

The lower price is the obvious one. It costs less to generate a key than to produce the whole product, pay for distribution, etc. That’s why game keys are usually cheaper. Another important advantage is instant delivery. Buying a digital copy requires only a few clicks and keystrokes, meanwhile, a trip to a shop takes more time, and in the case of an order via regular post, even days of delay.

Try GameSeal as your go-to game shop because you can count on low prices and excellent customer service before, during, and after purchase.

Keep up with new games with game passes

To meet gamers' needs, the biggest gaming platforms begin to offer subscription-based services that grant full, or partial (depending on subscription variant) access to their games library. Including old and some newer titles. This service is called a game pass and is rapidly gaining popularity among players. If you don’t mind waiting for some time (fresh games rarely go straight into subscription libraries) and aim at long-run savings, this solution might be perfect for you.

Subscriptions are another way of obtaining new games for cheap. All you have to do is pick a preferred platform and subscription variant. But you have to remember, different platforms' offers may vary in case of available titles and prices. So it’s important to compare them before purchase.

Waiting for the games sale

During the year there are many game sales where you can find desired titles for cheap. Usually, they happen along with special events like Christmas, Easter, summer, winter break, or the most important occasion: Black Friday.

Patience is a virtue, so if you’re a deal hunter, these special events will help you get amazing games at low prices. You can subscribe to our GameSeal newsletter to never miss deals on Steam games on sale and many more

How to get cheap game keys?

Games stores compete with each other offering clients amazing game deals. But how to be sure you buy smart? Let’s summarize the most important tips:

  • Use trusted shops with good customer service like GameSeal.
  •  Choose digital versions (game keys) over physical copies. 
  •  Reconsider subscriptions to access your favorite platform's content (especially if you would like to play many titles). 
  •  Wait for events with special discounts.