War-Torn Dreams (Nintendo Switch) Nintendo Key - NORTH AMERICA
WAR-TORN DREAMS is a 2D Story-Rich, Side Scrolling Action Game, set in the wasteland of USA, plagued with constant war. Following the collapse of the economy, government, and society, you must brave heavily armed militia, lawless gangs, dangerous streets, desolate buildings and underground bunkers on your quest to escape this post-apocalyptic wasteland alive. The road to a new life is paved with danger, hope and constant reminders of everything that’s been lost.
- Fast side-scrolling action and brutal combat.
- Avoid obstacles, moving lasers and electric beam and other, various forms of traps.
- Meet and engage in conversation with other survivors along the way and feel free to choose to help them or ignore them. It’s totally up to you, how you wish you be remembered in this chaotic wasteland.
- More than 100K words of texts to read about background characters and their relationships, about gangs, factions and locations.
- 9 chapters of post-apocalyptic setting.