Origin Bundle (4 games) (PC) Origin Key - GLOBAL
This bundle includes the following:
- Wing Commander 3™: Heart of the Tiger
- SimCity 2000™ Special Edition
- Wing Commander™ IV: The Price of Freedom
- Ultima VII The Complete Edition
Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger is the third main game in Chris Roberts' Wing Commander science fiction space combat simulation video game series, developed and released by Origin Systems.
Now you can design any city you can imagine and SimCity 2000™ will bring it, and its resident Sims, to life.
It has all the features, flexibility, art, animation, and power you need to create an environment of your dreams. Choose from a selection of bonus cities and scenarios to rule or ruin as you please.
Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
Play one of the greatest space sims of all time.The year is 2673, four years after the Treaty of Torgo and the end of the Kilrathi War. As hostilities died out, rebuilding what was lost or dealing with space piracy became the Terran Confederation's biggest concerns.
Ultima VII: The Complete Edition
Unravel the MysteryTwo hundred years have passed since your last visit to Britannia and much has changed since then. An unknown being who calls himself the Guardian has appeared and is forcing everyone to obey him. In addition, magic doesn't work as it should.