Sanoba Witch (PC) Steam Key - GLOBAL
Immerse yourself into the story written by Ritsu Amamiya, Kei Hosozumi, and Futo
"The Witch's Night Banquet" is a renowned visual novel from YUZUSOFT, a popular Japanese brand. The protagonist, Ningning Ayachi, is voiced by the acclaimed Hua Kirigaya, making her an iconic heroine for the brand. The game features stunning original artwork and character design by Rin Yumuri and Kazuma Kazushi, with SD artwork by Haruka Komomugi. The script is co-written by Ritsu Amamiya, Kei Hosozumi, and Futo, while the music is produced by Famishin. The unforgettable opening theme song, "Fall in Love, Girl!" is sung by the beloved Chiharu Mikura.