This bundle includes the following:
- Hunter "Kamurai" layered armor set
- Palamute "Shuriken Collar" layered head armor
- Palico "Fish Collar" layered head armor
- 4 Gestures
- Samurai pose set
- Kabuki face paint
- "Izuchi Tail" hairstyle
Why you should buy Monster Hunter Rise:
- Rise introduces tons of new features to the series,
- You're looking for dynamic combat,
- There's nothing more exciting than fighting monsters.
Monster Hunter Rise is the newest installment in an established action RPG series that let you hunt down unique yet deadly creatures. This time you'll visit Kamura Village and follow the story of a young hunter, who must protect inhabitants against ferocious monstrosities. Your task is to track down and hunt dangerous monsters, including Nargacuga (the master of speed), Zinogre (the physical manifestation of lightning), or Great Baggi, which can stun its prey.
Hunter's arsenal
Monsters have cutting claws and sharp teeth, but a monster hunter is not vulnerable either. You'll find 14 weapons in your arsenal. Attack with swords, dual blades, or lances and keep your distance thanks to projectile weapons such as bowguns. Moreover, with each monster slew, you'll gain ingredients that let you craft new arms and upgrade your gear. The Wirebug is yet another monster hunter's friend. This unique insect produces particularly durable filament. A warrior may use it to perform stunning moves, such as a wiredash or a wall run. It also allows you to unleash special attacks like a silkbind.
Ride into the battle
Once again, a cat-like Palicoe provides the hunter with invaluable support. However, in Monster Hunter Rise this creature is not the only player's companion. The new type of Buddy is called Palamute. You'll ride on this wolf-like creature back and use Palamute's help during battles.
Don't hunt alone
Monster Hunter Rise offers a lot of quests. Village Quests are single-player-only missions, while Hub Quests and tower defense-like Rampage Quests can be played solo or in Multiplayer as well. The difficulty of a task adapts dynamically depending on the number of players. Therefore, quests are always challenging, but they're never too hard.
- Dynamic battles against majestic monsters,
- Vast creation options: build your character, Palico, and Palamute,
- A wide range of both new and returning monsters,
- Beautiful and diverse locations,
- Solo and multiplayer game modes.