
Buy cheap RPG games for PC | Role-playing genre

RPG games at GameSeal

Did you ever wish to become someone else, even for a moment? The good news is, video games can help you make that wish come true. The act of impersonating a fictional character in a fictional setting is called role-playing, and before the video games era, it had many forms, like tabletop games and LARPing (Live Action Role Playing). It’s good to get out of your skin sometimes, so these “analog” games are still popular among fantasy fans.

Along with the development of video gaming, RPG games were born and quickly became players favorite. Thanks to immersive environment and captivating storyline, many RPG titles became iconic. No matter if you’re a veteran RPG gamer or only a humble beginner who just wants to learn about the genre, GameSeal is a perfect place for you. In our catalog you will find some old and new RPG games in great prices, and with instant delivery. With GameSeal, you don’t have to strain your wallet to play the best games.

What are RPG games?

There are a few characteristic elements that a game must have to be an RPG game. A player has to be controlling actions of a character (or more, then it’s called a party) in a fictional setting. Most RPGs have some kind of character creator, allowing gamers to make an avatar according to their liking by selecting appearance and personality/abilities.

Characters can develop during the play trough and there are character statistics to keep track on. Usually RPG games are very immersive thanks to well done storytelling and complexity. They often involve world exploration and require interaction with other characters in game. The best RPG games have great replay value, meaning players like to complete them again after the first run.

The core idea of RPG gaming is that player’s choices matters and influence the story development. This is a remnant of classic text-based RPGs, as well as strong focus on rich dialogues between characters. Another important aspect of RPGs is finding items and completing quests. Rewards for these quests are typically money, experience, or pieces of equipment, which all help with the story progression and character development.

To explore the world and complete quests, characters need abilities. Occasionally, their performance depends on luck, which is another feature of text-based RPGs, when the dice roll decided, for example, on the strength of the attack. Classic games heavily influenced video gaming, and there are signs of this in every game, especially RPGs.

A short history of RPG games

As we mentioned before, RPGs were quite popular long before the first video game was created. It is somewhat hard to determine, which video RPG game was the first one, but a lot of them were developed in mid-1970s. From that time, titles worth mentioning are: Dungeon & Dragons (based on the massively popular table-top game with the same title), Rogue (a 2D dungeon crawler), and Akalabeth: World of Doom.

What are the best RPG games?

There are many wonderful titles to enjoy and explore the RPG genre, and it’s hard to pick the best RPG game, but let’s try to select five releases that every RPG gamer has to know.

The Witcher 3 – Get ready for this adventure because it’s a long one. If you enjoy exploring and killing monsters, this is a title for you.

Final Fantasy 6 – A game that is not afraid to immerse its players in heavy themes and uncomfortable subjects. It’s an unforgettable RPG experience.

World of Warcraft – The absolute king of online RPG gaming. The story of Azeroth attracts players since 2004. Hop in if you enjoy playing with others.

Chrono Trigger – Called the best RPG game of all time, Chrono Trigger introduces well-written characters, engaging plot, beautiful soundtrack, and exciting gameplay. A truly perfect RPG.

Dark Souls – Creators of this game decided that very hard difficulty level is not enough and turned it up to the max. It’s great for gamers who enjoy challenges.

Nothing from the list sounds compelling enough? Don’t worry, we have more. Check out GameSeal RPG games category to find your next great adventure.